Dianne shares the inspiration behind the story:

If you discover that your house is infested with bugs (or other critters), you call in a professional to identify what type of infestation you have and determine how to eradicate it. In my alternate reality, ghosts are treated the same way. If a ghost “erupts” in your home, you summon a licensed diagnostician to identify what type of ghost you have. There are three types:
- Friendlies – These ghosts like to interact with the living in harmless ways.
- Unawares – These ghosts don’t know they’re dead.
- Vengefuls

The two girls don’t get along. But when a ghost that erupts in their pregnant aunt’s house is diagnosed as Friendly but starts performing sinister acts, Alice and Eleanor work together to discover the identity of the ghost’s progenitor and do everything in their power to eradicate the specter before harm comes to their aunt.