IWSG Monthly Blog Hop

Every month, the IWSG poses an optional question that members can answer in their blog posts. Special thanks to Alex Cavanaugh for founding IWSG. I'm always recommending this helpful group to other writers! This month’s question is:

I realized the power of language. The joyous idea of storytelling took hold, and over time—after an English major combined with a "practical" Computer Science major, an MBA, a detour in the corporate world, and hundreds of other books read—I finally wrote and revised some of my own.

And guess what? Today's the day that IWSG announces the theme of their next anthology! You can discover the theme on the IWSG home page. Consider writing and submitting a story of your own.
Congrats to all the writers in the newest IWSG Anthology, which released yesterday. MASQUERADE: ODDLY SUITED is now available!
Helpful Links
I recently discovered Grammarly, a free Chrome extension that spellchecks your email and social media.
Want a peak into how a prolific, bestselling author writes? Check out this blog post, Here's How I Work, from Nora Roberts.
For readers:
If, like me, you read Nancy Drew books while growing up, you might enjoy this bit of history behind the series: The Creation of Nancy Drew by Jennifer Fisher
Should you get rid of your to-do list? This article, "Scheduling your priorities (and not your time) will supercharge your productivity," suggests yes, but I find the idea terrifying. I live by my lists! I use Wunderlist to keep me organized, plus old-fashioned paper and pen. How about you?