My contribution is The Third Ghost: Among the darkened, arson-damaged streets of Hoboken, Lewis stops to help two ghosts until he realizes his own family is in grave danger.
To read story reviews from one of my coauthors, check out the IWSG Anthology blog. A few of the authors are featured on Mason Canyon's blog, with more to come in the following days.
Here's the official blurb:
Journey into the past…
Will the third ghost be found before fires take more lives? Can everyone be warned before Pompeii is buried again? What happens if a blizzard traps a family in East Germany? Will the Firebird help Soviet sisters outwit evil during WWII? And sneaking off to see the first aeroplane – what could go wrong?
Ten authors explore the past, sending their young protagonists on harrowing adventures. Featuring the talents of Yvonne Ventresca, Katharina Gerlach, Roland Clarke, Sherry Ellis, Rebecca M. Douglass, Bish Denham, Charles Kowalski, Louise MacBeath Barbour, Beth Anderson Schuck, and L.T. Ward.
Hand-picked by a panel of agents, authors, and editors, these ten tales will take readers on a voyage of wonder into history. Get ready for an exciting ride!
For more info and to buy a copy: Bookshop (Indies) | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | ITunes | Kobo | Goodreads
For writers:
- Writing in the Time of COVID-19 (by Sharon Darrow)
- How Reader Behavior Is Changing During the COVID-19 Crisis
For readers:
- How To Help Your Favorite Bookstore During The Coronavirus Epidemic (by Tomi Obaro)
- Supporting Booksellers, and Authors, In These Dark Times (by Erin Somers)
For pandemic data: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
For perspectives on the pandemic:
- Growing up in Quarantineland--Childhood nightmares in the age of germs prepared me for coronavirus (by Margaret Atwood)
- Yvonne Ventresca on Pandemics Real and Imagined (by me!)
For fun: Literally Just a Bunch of Photos of Cats Sitting in Tiny Chairs
For a chance to win a copy of Black Flowers, White Lies: When You Lie to a Writer -- A True Story and (Partial) Inspiration for Black Flowers, White Lies (Giveaway through May 10 at YA Books Central)

Do you have any rituals that you use when you need help getting into the ZONE?
1. I set a timer and write/revise until it beeps (usually working in 45 minute increments). Getting started can be the hardest part, and knowing it's for a limited period helps me over that hurdle.
2. I alternate between using the computer and printed copies. For example, I make changes in the document, then print the file, mark up that copy by hand, then enter the revisions using the computer. I cycle through the process again and again. There's something about the change back and forth that gives me momentum.
I look forward to reading everyone else's tips during the blog hop!