One Teen Story has gone through a lot of exciting changes. We're now in our fourth year of being entirely contest-based and publishing only teen authors. We've reduced our number of issues to 3 per year, and we have one contest in the fall to select those winning issues. There are three age categories for people entering the contest: 13-15, 16-17, 18-19. We pick a winner in each age group. As before, the winners will then work with an editor at the magazine to improve their story. Another exciting development is that we now send issues of One Teen Story out with One Story, which means that One Teen Story reaches many more readers!
He also offers this advice:
Write about the teen experience, as opposed to writing about, say, detectives or doctors or middle-aged explorers--not that there's anything wrong with writing about those other things, but our contest requires that stories have a teen as the main character. Also, give your story a beginning, middle, and end. :)

The One Teen Story writing contest is currently open for submissions, from now through November 20th, 2020. The winning prize is $500. Check the website for complete guidelines. Good luck, teen writers!