Writing Contests

Sub It Club posts an excellent round-up of monthly contests and pitch opportunities. You can check out the details on the Sub It Club blog.
We Need Diverse Books is holding a middle grade short story contest for a $1000 prize and publication in their Heroes-Next-Door-themed anthology. Open to unpublished diverse writers 18 years of age or older from all diverse backgrounds (as defined on the WNDB website). Length is 4000 words or less. Deadline is October 31st. Complete information is available here.
The IWSG (Insecure Writers Support Group) has compiled a reference list of contests on their website.
Goodreads Giveaway

Interesting Links

Decluttering article: "Americans are pack rats. Swedes have the solution: ‘Death cleaning.’"
Tom Petty interview: I saw Tom Petty in concert more than any other musician. If you're a fan, you might enjoy this 2009 interview.