About productivity: What productivity style are you? Here are descriptions of four types along with the tools that might best help you: The Four Types of Productivity Styles. (I'm a "planner.")
For writers: Why try NaNoWriMo? Some thoughts from a few years ago that still hold true.
For readers: Why You Should Surround Yourself With More Books Than You'll Ever Have Time to Read (As if I need this encouragement....)

What's the strangest thing you've ever googled in researching a story?
One of my favorite tools to store research images, by the way, is the “secret” board option on Pinterest. If I look for castle photos, for example, I save them on a hidden board until the story makes it out into the world. (I don’t share research as I go along because of too many false starts and changes as the work progresses.) Here’s an example of a board that was initially secret for Black Flowers, White Lies that I made public and added to over time.
Why or why not?