Warning: Self-Promotion and Book-Related Joy Below

As my writer friends know, critique groups are a key part of the creative process. One thing I'm celebrating this week is my fellow critiquers, and that my critique partner, C. Lee McKenzie, included this lovely write-up in her newsletter.
"Yvonne and I have shared writing since the 90s. We're in a group called The Garret, and it has some excellent writers with keen eyes that let nothing slip by. We came together because of a wonderful person named L. K. Madigan. Her first book, Flash Burnout, won the Morris Award. Unfortunately, she died far too young and way before her writing career could take off. We've kept the group together because she chose well. We're all compatible. We all strive to do our best and learn to be better. Yvonne is certainly one who does better with everything she writes. Pandemic won the Crystal Kite Award last year, and you're going to love this newest one."
Thank you so much, Lee!