#1 Work Hard
#2 Collaborate
#3 Be Logical
#4 Be Resourceful
#5 Be Hopeful
Here’s to you, writers!
Friday Five will return in May. Visit April 1st for my first A to Z post on inspiration. A is for....
For this week's Friday Five, Heather Ayris Burnell, founder of the Sub It Club, has written an encouraging guest post on what to do before submitting your manuscript. Being a writer is tough! And some would say that submitting your work for consideration is the hardest part of all. It takes guts. But you can do it! First though, you’ve got to make sure you’re ready. Here are 5 Things You Should Do Before Submitting Your Manuscript:. #1 Work HardFirst of all you need to write, not just anything, but something great. Yes, this takes time. Of course, it depends on the piece but a book can take months or even years to write. And it’s not over once you’ve written it. #2 CollaborateGet critiques, more than just one. Read feedback carefully. Do your very best not to take offense to criticism. Going through rounds of critiques as you revise can really help you refine a manuscript into a well thought out, publishable piece. Remember that to make your work its best you need to use all the time and energy you need before submitting. Get your query letter and synopsis critiqued too! #3 Be LogicalOf course you don’t have to use all of the feedback that’s given to you. Use that which works to help you make your story better. But if you see patterns it’s usually good to pay attention to them. Not feeling a manuscript because you’ve been working on it too much? Give yourself a break. It’s easy to want to rush to get a piece we love out into the world, but publishing will still be around when your manuscript is ready. #4 Be ResourcefulLearn about your craft and your market. There are so many resources at our fingertips there’s really no excuse for lack of knowledge when it comes to what a great manuscript needs or how to submit your work to the right market correctly. You can learn from books, numerous free online sources, paid classes, and genre specific groups such as the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. #5 Be HopefulI’d be surprised if any writer ever truly knew that their manuscript was 100% ready to go. It’s difficult when you’re so close. But if you’ve worked hard and gotten feedback, revised and polished, and know your craft and your market, you will figure out when it’s time to let something go…out on submission or perhaps *gasp* into a drawer. You’ll figure out where you should send your best work to give it the best chance of acceptance. You will know for darn sure that it takes hard work and persistence not only to reach that goal of getting a piece of your work out on submission, but to reach that supreme goal of publication. Here’s to you, writers! Heather Ayris Burnell moderates Sub It Club, a support group for writers and illustrators submitting their work, where she writes about submitting manuscripts and more. She also curates the Monster List of Picture Book Agents on her blog. Her picture book, Bedtime Monster, is published by Raven Tree Press. She’s represented by Sean McCarthy Literary Agency. Thank you, Heather! If anyone would like to add other submission tips, please leave them in the comments below.
Friday Five will return in May. Visit April 1st for my first A to Z post on inspiration. A is for.... Comments are closed.
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