By Dahlia Adler
Dahlia wrote a detailed three-part series about being a debut author. Check out part one (pre-promotion), part two (ARCs, swag, and self-promotion) and part three (in-person events).

By Susan Brody
An experienced conference-goer, Susan shares some big picture lessons she learned from this year's NJ SCBWI conference. Here’s a sample: “Becoming a published author does not change one's character. . . . an anxious prepublished author who gets a book published will become an anxious published author; only the focus of his or her anxiety will change.”

By Taylor Vangclear
This is a thorough account of a first-timer attending the annual NJ SCBWI conference. And I’m not mentioning her blog post because she refers to me as “the nice lady in the lunch line” and she liked the workshop I taught. (Well, maybe that influenced me just a little bit.)

By Robert Preidt
It’s officially hurricane season, and as with any potential disaster, it’s a good idea to be prepared. This article breaks down some ways to get you and your family ready.

By Andrew Lewis Conn
I love his unique suggestions, such as: pretend you have a serious injury and the surgeon has physician’s block -- absurd right? Now get back to writing!