And now, on to the Friday Five:
Five Tips for Staying Organized While Marketing a Book

1. Publicity opportunities require the same information over and over again, so create a Word file with all of your frequently used links: your website, social media links, and book sale sites. Keep a version of your bio in the file, too, so you can easily cut and paste. I keep the file in the same folder as a copy of my book cover jpg and my author photo, that way the info is simple to access.
2. Keep track of interviews you’ve done. You can print them in a folder or bookmark them online, or even create a list of links on your website “media” page. But at some point when you’ve done quite a few, it’s helpful to have a way to remember who you’ve spoken to and what you’ve said. You can also consider making a table. Here’s a sample from mine:
4. Sometimes a book festival (or other event) is just too far or maybe the date doesn’t work. Time passes and when people start buzzing about said event on social media, I may forget why I chose not to participate. To avoid these lapses in memory, I developed the “Not Doing” folder where I keep information on events I’ve decided to forego with a note about why.
5. Besides your regular to do list, keep a Kindness list. I jot down all the nice, helpful, kind things people have done for me during the process of launching and marketing Pandemic. An acquaintance writes a glowing review, an old friend travels to my book launch, another writer lets me know about an upcoming festival. During a process where so much is out of my control, keeping a kindness list helps me focus on the positive.