"You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win."
--Zig Ziglar
Replace "win" with "succeed creatively" and I hope you are inspired to write something wonderful.
With the A to Z April Challenge over, I'll return to my regular schedule in May: resources for teenage writers each Tuesday (Teen Tuesday), and a roundups for writers of all ages in the Friday Five. I'll also be posting Pandemic-related news, since my debut novel officially launches May 6th (although it's available now!). There are six days left in the Goodreads giveaway of ten hardcover copies of Pandemic if you'd like to try to win one.
If you're interested in my other A to Z posts on writing inspiration, I've created a Pinterest board to keep them all in one place, and you can also use the "A to Z blogging challenge" category on the right.
Did you find some amazing new blogs to follow this month? Give a shout out to a fellow A-to-Zer in the comments below.