This month's blog is inspiration-themed, but let's face it. It's not always practical to wait around for inspiration before writing. Usually, it occurs in the opposite order. We need to be writing *first* in order for inspiration to strike. We need butt-in-chair and a brave attempt at doing the work, even when we're completely unspired. Because sometimes, once we begin, magic happens. We're going through the motions of drafting or revising a scene, and a GREAT idea occurs. A flash of insight. The perfect paragraph. So even if you are uninspired today, I hope you attempt something wonderfully creative.
4/1/2014 08:29:48 pm
I love your personalized letter images! And yes, I think I'm going to have to resort to butt-in-chair this year.... inspiration has fled for the time being. 4/2/2014 12:26:00 am
Thanks, Alex! I modified some Word images for the letters. 4/1/2014 11:20:38 pm
Very good advice - sometimes the only way to get things flowing is to start off and keep going. I once ended up with a novel that way, just sat down and typed until something happened :). 4/2/2014 02:07:21 am
I am inspired to keep my butt-in-the-chair and working today--thanks dahlink! PS--Butt-not-in-chair photo: hahahahaha! PPS--I'm liking the illuminated manuscript layout! 4/2/2014 02:41:50 am
Excellent advice! Now if only it were as easy to get my butt-in-chair for my research as it is for my blog! 4/2/2014 03:24:48 am
Jack London says you can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club! :) 4/2/2014 03:53:13 pm
Love the quote, Lady Jai! Be sure to visit for the letter Q. 4/2/2014 07:16:26 am
Visiting on the 2nd day of the #atozchallenge. Very pleased with what I have found and will be following. A writer as well, I like the authenticity of your other posts. I appreciate how much time and energy it takes, but you are to be congratulated on the results. Interested or time in gardening…my theme this year. Visit if you can. I'll look forward to learning more from your focused writing blog, 4/2/2014 08:09:57 am
LOL. Actually, my inspiration occurred with head-on-pillow last night at about 1 AM, at which point I had to hop up, head to the computer, and type madly until 2:30. Running on 5 hours of sleep here, and doing AWESOME. That's the price we pay, right? 4/2/2014 12:53:30 pm
The title made me smile. And I couldn't agree more. Writing is mostly work, and when you get in the flow, the muse may just decide to come for a visit. Great post. 4/2/2014 01:30:09 pm
Sitting down to work? What a concept! Thanks for the reality check, Yvonne. I'm so enjoying your posts so far! 4/4/2014 05:47:30 am
Yeah, Butt-in-chair usually works wonders for me! (I'll probably be using it later today to stay caught up with Camp Nanowrimo!) Comments are closed.
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