Tiffany Shlain, founder of the Webby Awards, takes a “technology Shabbat” every week ( "Without the constant buzzing and pinging, Shlain has time to space out and explore her imagination. 'It puts my mind into a different mode of thinking,” she says. “It’s supple and allows me to be creative and inspired.'"
My theme for the April A to Z blogging challenge is productivity for creative people. It sounds counterintuitive, but unplugging from technology can improve your productivity in the long run. Disconnecting has its benefits (Huffington Post): “Research shows that signing off from work email over the weekend allows you to recover from the demands of your job. . . .What's more? Taking a break will make you MORE productive in the long-term, according to emerging research on ‘strategic renewal.’” If you’ve ever taken a break from social media, you probably agree that it can be refreshing. Unplugging can also make you happier. According to Fitness magazine, "A study at the Missouri University of Science and Technology investigated the relationship between Internet usage and moods and found that college students with depressive symptoms all shared similar behaviors when it came to browsing the Web and that excess time spent chatting online only increased feelings of real-world loneliness. Lesson learned: Beat Facebook fatigue by logging off. It's that simple.” Tiffany Shlain, founder of the Webby Awards, takes a “technology Shabbat” every week ( "Without the constant buzzing and pinging, Shlain has time to space out and explore her imagination. 'It puts my mind into a different mode of thinking,” she says. “It’s supple and allows me to be creative and inspired.'" I love the idea of one day a week without technology, but I haven't implemented it yet. Do you unplug on vacations? Have you tried to disconnect on a regular basis?
I do unplug on vacations but that is the only time I'm fully unplugged. I think it is extremely important and am hoping to find a balance in the near future where I have set periods of being tech free. I've been seeing where more employers are forcing employees to unplug on vacations. There really are proven benefits. 4/25/2016 11:12:45 am
Unplugging is SO hard for me. I know I should...but it's definitely something I need to work on.
C. Lee McKenzie
4/25/2016 01:37:33 pm
It scares me when I feel a physical reaction to unplugging. I know my brain's functioning differently, too--shorter attention span--odd connection of ideas that seem to take me out into other topics of instead of more deeply into a topic. 4/25/2016 02:39:26 pm
Unplugging sounds like a grand idea...though not until the A to Z challenge is done. :-) 4/25/2016 03:38:38 pm
I try to unplug on at least one weekend day and on vacations, too, at least from work. Hiking in the mountains and the forest is my favorite way to get away and recharge. :) 4/25/2016 05:44:17 pm
Yes and no. I don't check work emails when I'm on holiday, but I do miss having access to my own emails at that time. We were in Russia last summer and weren't prepared to pay the cost of Internet connection. And just for those few days it felt like I existed in a bubble, not connected to the world ... 4/25/2016 08:07:03 pm
I try to completely unplug every once in a while. I go to a family members cabin in the mountains where there is no phone, no TV, and no people. It is great. I always feel revived afterward. 4/25/2016 09:13:28 pm
I've found myself spending less time on Facebook since I'm writing blog posts all the time. Having a smartphone challenges me to unplug, so before school is out, I'm buying a new clock and leaving my phone in the kitchen at night so I'm more likely to wake up and grab a novel rather than the phone. I'm banning my phone from the upstairs area of my home. Glenda from 4/26/2016 11:35:38 am
I love the idea of unplugging. I've done so for several stretches while on vacation, but I have to admit it took a lot of extra work to catch up on emails, etc. when I returned. 4/28/2016 07:10:57 pm
Hi Yvonne. Will try to catch up a bit. Just couldn't find time to read all.... Comments are closed.
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