Principles for Any Month

- Set a concrete goal. (NaNoWriMo suggests writing 50,000 words in 30 days.)
- Publicly declare that goal. (Whether this works because of accountability or shame, I’m not sure. But it does change the dynamic from just promising yourself.)
- Find other people trying for the same goal, if you feel like that will help. (You are all suffering together!)
- Monitor your progress on a regular basis. (NaNoWriMo includes daily word count tallies.)
- Consider changing the way you create. For example, I normally edit as I write, but NaNoWriMo encourages participants to keep going, without revising, until they reach the word count goal. I found this change very freeing. Because I kept writing, instead of going back and fixing plot problems, my story evolved in a different, wonderful direction.
- Check the results at the end of the project. If you encountered obstacles, think about how can you avoid them in the future.