Five Topics Covered in Loner in the Garret: A Writer’s Companion by Jennifer R. Hubbard
Since so many of us spend so much time procrastinating, I had to ask myself: Could it possibly serve a real and necessary purpose? Maybe procrastination isn’t always a bad thing. So I explored that idea.
You know I had to go there. Almost every writer experiences it.
The dirty little secret--maybe not so secret anymore, as writers have become more honest about this. It’s not that we wish less success for others. It’s just that sometimes we’d like a piece of the pie. How can we keep from being destructive--to ourselves or others?
What is that little voice in the head that slashes a red pen through our words--or maybe even keeps us from writing them in the first place? How can talk back to that little voice?
Writing is not all trouble and sweat. Sometimes it’s downright fun! When I have bonked my head against a dead-end wall too many times, I remind myself to ask: Where’s the joy? Go there.
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