Have you ever written something that afterwards, you felt conflicted about? If so, did you let it stay how it was, take it out, or rewrite it?
I've written novel drafts where I try to cram in Many Important Things. It's hard for me to admit that *maybe* a particular topic doesn't mesh well with other themes I'm exploring. Can I make it work?
Not every time.
The good news is that time spent away from a manuscript, followed by rereading with fresh eyes, can often provide insight. What am I trying to say? What am I *really* trying to say? Am I achieving that? How can I improve these efforts? And then the next revision begins....

My adult short story "Justice for Jaynie" was selected for inclusion in Black Beacon's Second Book of Mystery. You can read the anthology for free through Kindle Unlimited or purchase a copy through Amazon.
Here's a description of the collection: The Second Black Beacon Book of Mystery is even more challenging than the first. Our cast of intrepid investigators needs your puzzle-solving talent again, for these aren't merely stories, but fair-play mysteries. In this anthology, you'll be faced with impossible crimes. You'll find frightful amounts of poison...don't invite these authors over for dinner! There are clues to be collected and alibis to be checked, and your general knowledge and attention to detail will be put to the test. Does that sound like your cup of tea? Ah, best not drink that! Will you take the case? Great! We're counting on you!